Types of younger female fiction

OK. Let me make a generalisation about the themes in about 80 per cent of young (and not so young) women writers.

Trauma is sensationalised, there’s a host of damaged characters predictably in their late 20s or early 30s who are seething with self-doubt.

The lead character is disaffected, cynical and irreverent to the point of being bloody irritating. She is self-obsessed, self-serving and self-destructive.

The action and tension are compressed into marketable entertainment around about page 40.

The protagonist’s family is dysfunctional, she drinks too much, makes terrible relationship choices, resents her boring job, and dreams of becoming a successful creative.

There’s an adjunct genre here: peri-menopausal women in their 50s who are aching to break free of their marriages, men, their children and lead a life which De Sade would approve of to ‘find their true self’. Men should beware as these black holes seem to gravitate to country towns or sea side villages.

As Johnny Rotten said in the last days of The Sex Pistols, “Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?”