
Georgia Blain

I’m not a big fan of the domestic drama, where there’s a maddie in the family, an absent father, a mother who has dementia, an unfulfilled love affair, and scene setting in Fitzroy, Bondi or St Kilda. I’m not a against people writing this stuff – and I blame bloody Helen Garner for starting this…


Tay Tay & Sad Girl Lit

It came to me in a dream, like John Lennon’s dream of flaming pie and a voice which said, ‘You men shall be Beatles”. My dream said sad girl novelists (see previous post) are channelling Taylor Swift. The world is ‘Tay Tay’ed’ with screaming and crying female fans in their teens and 20s, dressed in brightly…


An ordure of screenwriters

An ‘ordure’ is my collective noun for a group of oestrogen-driven, ageing neurotics, who ‘taught’ screenwriting at RMIT many years ago. They were older women who couldn’t teach. Students spent two hours of a three hour teaching period watching movies. Fuck me dead. They got the job because they helped my predecessor write the course….


Review-bombing highlights initiative

Shock horror! According to the media, a new author created fake accounts on Goodreads and published one-star reviews of her fellow first-time novelists. Cait Corrain targeted writers who were also signed to her publisher, Del Rey Books, a sci-fi–fantasy imprint of Penguin Random House and used the fake accounts to praise her book, Crown of Starlight,…


Australian men sexually attracted to children 

https://www.smh.com.au/national/the-shocking-number-of-australian-men-sexually-attracted-to-children-and-teens-20231117-p5ekum.html This story caught my attention because it’s a classic example of how agenda setting works and how journalism has sunk to the lowest common denominator. In this case it’s the ‘all men are rapists’ meme. “Disturbing research into the extent of child sexual abuse has found almost one in six Australian men have sexual…