
Palestinians 4, PWC zero

Remember how PWC (Price Waterhouse) boycotted the last Writer’s Week because they had some Palestinian writers speaking? https://www.smh.com.au/culture/books/pwc-withdraws-support-for-adelaide-festival-20230228-p5co3t.html Now PWC is in deep, deep, deep shit. I wrote about the accountant-consultant corruption issue back in 2019 in Opinion Online, ‘Auditors without Border’, when InDaily in Adelaide was too chicken shit to publish it. In a…


Trigger warnings for Papa

If it’s not censorious religious loonies, it’s the PC Red Guards fucking with fiction. It was only a matter of time before they came after Hemingway. Would-be readers of Hemingway are now warned about the “language” and “attitudes” contained in his writing, and alerted to the novelist’s “cultural representations”. A disclaimer printed in the latest…


NSW Premier’s Awards

I’m curious about who wins and who doesn’t win literary awards. Debra Danks has pulled off a ‘Quaddie’, winning four major awards for her memoir, We Come With This Place. Apart from Kim Cheng Boey and Dylan Van Den Berg, they’re all women. The feminisation of literature is almost complete. It’s curious but makes sense….


Anson Cameron nails it

Anson Cameron wrote one of the best Australian novels since Peter Carey’s Bliss. Silences Long Gone didn’t sell. Why? It simply wasn’t PC. It talked about Aborigines with a sense of humour, outback characters, asbestosis, middle class inner suburban values and more. Not exactly fodder for the inner urban cultural left. When I read it…


Women Lit Fic Crit and the Stella

I’m amused when women claim they are second class citizens when it comes to writing and publishing literary fiction in Australia. The story below is a classic example: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-04-16/stella-prize-shortlist-2023-alice-pung-chair-jaclyn-booton/102220502 There certainly were cases in the past when women writers were overlooked for literary awards. Unfortunately or fortunately (depending on your perspective), it’s hard to win…


Adelaide Writers’ Week

What’s not to like about the laughter and affability of Adelaide Writers’ Week? The scene of Adelaide’s grey-haired cultural cream, sitting in the sun in the Pioneer Women’s Memorial Garden, with a glass of wine and a book, invites the spirit of that most bourgeois painter, Claude Monet. These festivals are pointless propaganda exercises for…


Faine on Deplatforming

Jon Faine, SMH February 26, 2023 I am a Jewish writer heading to the Adelaide Writers’ Week. Several Palestinian authors, whom I’m looking forward to meeting, are also invited. Two of them have uttered abusive sentiments about Israel on Twitter. They are accused of antisemitism, although their abuse seems to be directed at the Israeli…